Buxton Museum and Art Gallery Storage Case Study

Housing The Art Collection

Polstore won an initial contract with Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, to create a temporary and permanent storage facility for its artwork collection – within the confined spaces of the basement area. ‘We needed to house our framed artwork collection to museum standard’, says Ros Westwood, Derbyshire Museums Manager.

The museum had approached five other storage companies but selected Polstore for the job. ‘Polstore recommended the most effective use of the space for our needs within our budget’, Ros says.

This first phase of the fit out consisted of 33 pull out double-sided picture frames (2000 x 3000mm), giving a total hanging space of 396sqm. Surrounding walls offered an opportunity to use a wall mounted mesh panel system.

The success of this first installation prompted the museum to award a further project to Polstore. ‘A second project allowed us to set up an additional art store, and to have heavy duty shelving installed for heavy archaeology and other social history in a third area,’ explains Ros.

This second project included installation of widespan shelving for storage of heavy nill stones, static picture racks for temporary art storage and a further 19 pull-out racks (197 sqm).

As a result, Ros says, “the picture collection is now properly stored; every space has been efficiently used; we can find pictures easily for exhibition and study, and remove them safely; the frames are no longer being knocked about; we can escort researchers into the stores and know that the facility meets the public expectation of what the ‘vault’ should look like; we can undertake periods of work in the stores in comfort”.

The picture collection is now properly stored; every space has been efficiently used; we can find pictures easily for exhibition and study, and remove them safely

Buxton Museum



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